Joy Bangla Youth Award 2024

“Joy Bangla Youth Award” is a flagship initiative of Young Bangla to recognize and connect the young change makers of Bangladesh.

Organizational Profile (Must Fill In English)

Organization Name*
Which Category do you Prefer to Apply?*
Area of Work*
Year of Establishment*
Organization Address*
Does your organization have any branch, office or presence other than the permanent address?
If yes, write detail about it
Organization’s Phone Number *
Organization’s Email Address *
The Number of Active Members*
Number of Beneficiaries*
Is your organization registered under any law/institution?*
If yes, which organization/organizations?
Does your organization receive funding from any international/national donor?*
If yes, which organization/organizations?
Has your organization received any recognition?*
If yes, write about it
Did you apply for JBYA before?*
If yes, write the year
Organization’s Website URL
Organization’s Social Media Page *

Joy Bangla Youth Award (ফর্ম-এর এই অংশটি (বাংলা/ইংরেজি) উভয়ে ফিলাপ করতে পারবেন।)

Why do you think your organization is eligible for #JBYA2024?*
What was your motivation to establish this organization?*
Did you face any challenges while implementing your activities? *
If Yes, how did you solved it? If No, what is the reason behind it?
Share one success story of your organization?*

Applicant Profile (Applicant must be Founder of the Organization or Head of the Organization or Secretary of the Organization)

Applicant’s Name *
Applicant's Father Name *
Applicants Mother Name *
Designation in the Organization *
Date of Birth*
Phone Number*
Email Address*
Identification Number (NID/BIRTH Cert. No)*
Name of alternative contact persons
Active Mobile Number
Position in the organization
Applicant’s Facebook Profile/ Twitter/ Instagram/ LinkedIn URL*
Present Address*
Permanent Address*


Reference 1 Name *
Reference 1 Designation *
Reference 1 Institution/Organization *
Reference 1 Address *
Reference 1 Contact No *
Reference 1 Email *
Reference 2 Name *
Reference 2 Designation *
Reference 2 Institution/Organization *
Reference 2 Address *
Reference 2 Contact No *
Reference 2 Email *


Applicant’s Profile Picture (300x300 Pixels)*
No file chosen
Max file size 500 KB
Organization Logo (300x300 Pixels)*
No file chosen
Max file size 500 KB
Organization Profile (Sample Doc/Docx/PDF) *
No file chosen
Max file size 5MB
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